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P.O.M. Producción Ornamental Mediterráneo

At Mediterranean Ornamental Production we offer a wide range of high quality ornamental plants.

At Mediterranean Ornamental Production we offer a wide variety of plants accompanied by the best quality.

With the ornamental plant season coming to an end in about three weeks, we present our featured plants from the campaign: Olive trees, Trachycarpus and Washingtonias:

Our olive trees are a classic that add a distinctive touch to any landscape.

Complementing this selection, the strong trachycarpus and imposing washingtonias are ideal for creating a tropical atmosphere in gardens and outdoor spaces.

Assorted Ornamental Plant Group: For those looking to add a splash of color, we offer a wide variety of ornamental plants, such as ornamental cherry tomatoes, hydrangeas, rose bushes and hibiscus.

These plants are not only used for decoration, but they also attract wildlife that is very beneficial for the environment.

Another of the most popular options are dipladenias or mandevillas.

This species stands out for its colors and gives a cheerful touch to gardens, parks and other places.

These climbing plants, native to South America, are also popular in interior areas.Yuccas Rostratas and Cycas Revolutas: With their unique appearance and great resistance, yuccas rostratas and cycas revolutas are ideal choices for modern, low-maintenance landscapes .

These plants add an innovative touch to any outdoor space, while their easy care makes them a favorite among landscapers and gardeners.

From Mediterranean Ornamental Production , we offer:Guaranteed Quality:

All our plants are grown with the highest quality standards, guaranteeing their health and vitality.

Variety: With an extensive catalog covering a wide range of ornamental plants, you can find exactly what you need for your landscaping and gardening projects.

Professional Service: Our experienced team offers a close and professional service to resolve any questions that arise during the process.

Availability: With a continuous supply throughout the season, our customers can rely on us to meet their needs in a timely and reliable manner.

For more information about our range of ornamental plants and how we can help you with your next landscaping project, do not hesitate to contact Mediterranean Ornamental Production today.